Indigenous Wisdom & Other Poems

Clara Elena García

Issue 1


Indigenous Wisdom

Roots deep
        In native soil
Head in the clouds
        Balanced on
Strands of
        Silver filigree
Bound by knots
        Of ñandutí
Connected to the
        Warp and weft
Of the world
        The smell of burnt
Yerba mate
        Sugar and carbón
Hang in the air
        Like an unfinished
        She cradles the
Human condition
        In her arms
Barro rojo between
        Her toes
Waterfalls in
        Her eyes

Ondas sonoras

Debajo de mis pies
una mujer gorjea
       ópera        arpegios
arias emocionales
reverberando        a
través de mangueras
arriba el        techo
se        estremece
golpes y golpes
de pies        reacios
a levantarse un
        bailarín agotado
en        mi cuarto
sube        el calor
        repiqueteos y
gemidos del radiador
mezclan        con el
lúgubre lamento
       de la        tetera
no hay silencio en
esta ciudad        no hay
        ninguna esquina
tranquila        para
        bajar la cabeza
pues        yo duermo
a golpes y silbidos
       gorjeos        haciendo
eco dentro de
       los        sueños
las vibraciones
sagradas        del
en mi oído
el sonido        de la
vida        apretado
en la cuna de
       mis        manos

Clara Elena García

Clara Elena García is a Paraguayan-born poet and musician based in Upstate New York. Her first book, “Juego de Palabras,” was published in May 2023 from Valparaiso Ediciones in Spain, and her second book, “Seven Legendary Monsters” is forthcoming from Revolutionaries Press in Australia.

Clara’s work has been featured in the Acentos Review, Alebrijes Review, and Axon Journal as well as several anthologies, including the Americas Poetry Festival Multilingual Anthology by ArtePoetica Press. She recently was invited by Rigoberto Gonzalez to speak on a panel in Montclair, New Jersey about the importance of Spanish-language poetry in modern literature.

Clara is currently represented by Atifa Begom from Crescent Literary.

You can usually find her lurking on social media as @claraelenadice.
